1998 FISHCAMP Memories
These are some of the wonderful moments of the first ever KIDSCAMP. |
"For the first time in my life I caught 4 fish!" | |
"What I remember most, is when I found that mayfly." | |
"I remember casting with the practice yarn, but I didn't do so well." | |
"I learned how to false cast better today." | |
"I loved it when we caught the bugs!" | |
"When I caught my first fish, a trout, it was 17 inches." | |
"My favorite memory was of the huge bluegill that I caught. It ran through some rocks and I had to pull hard to get it to jump out of the water." | |
Reservations for our excellent schools and camps are made exclusivey through The Fly Shop. Call us toll-free at (800) 669-3474 or send an email to Michael at michael@theflyshop.com for more information, dates, or reservations. |
c o n t a c t u s m e l s s t a f f t h e f l y s h o p t r a v e l |
Current Time and Temperature for Redding, California. |
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